Translation of Lease Agreements


Translation of Lease Agreements

In lease contracts, one of the contracts for the use of property, one of the parties undertakes to transfer the use of a property in his possession to the other party, while the other party undertakes to pay a price for using it. The real or legal person who uses the property in accordance with the contract for a price is called the lessee, and the property that is the subject of the contract is called the leased property.


The contract for the use of a movable or immovable property for a temporary period in return for a price and transferring it to someone else through lease, is also called a tenancy agreement. Tenancy agreements can be issued for buildings as well as for machines or different types of equipment. Firms with foreign relations may be required to present the lease agreements for the places such as offices and factory buildings they lease to continue their activities, or the lease agreements of the construction machinery and similar equipment they lease to carry out their activities, for various transactions.

In this case, it is needed to translate the lease agreement. If notarized translations of the rental agreements are requested, the translation must be done by sworn translators and the stamp of the translator or translation office must be under the translation. Before the transaction, the passports of the tenants must be translated. For this procedure, at first you can call us or come to our office and have your passport translated. At this point, the important thing is to meet the translation need through professional sworn translators.

Tele World Language Services Office, which will provide fast translation services if necessary and will provide sworn translation services with its expert staff in the field of translation of lease agreements, will complete translation of your lease agreements in the highest quality.

Academic Translation Services
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Academic Translation Services

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